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McCordsville, IN


5259 W 500 N., McCordsville, IN 46055

Or at this link


Deliveries are for the new construction Wal-Mart Warehouse.


To access this building you will use Enterprise Dr, this will be between the two warehouses directly on 600 N.

There is a large yellow and grey sign for Mt. Comfort Commercial Park at this entrance, this is where you will turn in (Picture Below).


Selecting the maps link above will take you directly to this road, or see the picture below.


Once on-site you will follow the red arrows to the guard shack for check-in. 

Deliveries will be accepted

Monday - Friday 7 AM- 3 PM.

Saturday 7 AM-11 AM

You must be untarped and at the ramp by 3 PM to be unloaded.

No appointment is required, trucks will be unloaded on a first come first serve basis.

If you wish to contact the site, use the form below or send a message through the chat bubble, and someone will contact you shortly.

  • How do I get into the building?
    Semi's are to access the budling using Enterprise Dr, this is the access road located between the two warehouses directly on 600 N. The entrance also has a large yellow and grey sign for Mt. Comfort Commercial Park at its entrance, a picture of this is below.
  • How do I get unloaded?
    On this project we back all flatbeds into the building and unload them inside. Once onsite follow these instructions: Drive to ramp door 117 If other trucks are there please get in line While in line you may start to remove your tarps When it is your turn a Webb employee will back you into the bulling WAIT TO BE GUIDED IN. If you are in a van or box truck we will back you into dock door 110 for unloading. If bay is occupied please wait your turn.
  • What are Delivery Hours
    Monday - Friday 7 AM - 330 PM Saturday 7 AM - 11 AM
  • Are appointments required?
    No, we operate on first come first serve. We do not take appointments. Show up and we will unload you.
  • What to do if I cannot find anyone to unload me?
    Most of the time, if you are at the correct ramp door and no one is there, they are most likely on break. We take breaks at the following times: 930 AM - 945 AM 1200 PM - 1230 PM 230 PM - 245PM If we are on break please be patient. We will get to you as soon as we can. If this doesn't solve your issue use the chat below or call 904-506-0036 and press 2
  • Who is my delivery for?
    If anyone asks, tell them your delivery is for Webb Equipment Company, and you will be looking for John Burke.
Screenshot 2022-11-02 110353.png

Delivery Hours

No appointment Needed

Mon - Fri: 7 PM - 3 PM
Sat: 7AM - 3 PM
Sun: Closed


Inform the person managing the gate you have a delivery for Webb Equipment or John Burke.

You will be directed to a ramp door where you will back into the building.

You will be unladed inside the building.


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